JKKN College of Engineering and Technology, hosted a “ENVIRONMENTAL TALK” on 27/07/2023 at Senthuraja Hall.
Ms.S.Mouyadharshini welcomed the gathering and Dr.T.Ruban Deva Prakash, Principal, JKKN College of Engineering and Technology addressed the gathering and gave presidential Address.
Dr.T.Ruban Deva Prakash honored the guest Mr.N.Raveendran Nature Educator
Administrative Officer Mr.T.Radhakrishnan, honored our special guest Srimathi Yuva Chair Erode Chapter.
Mr.N.Raveendran Nature Educator, gave awareness talk regarding Climate Change, Water Conservation, Origin of Rivers, Kalingarayan anaicut and its Canal History.He insisted on water crisis. The students were encouraged to serve the society. Followed by environmental talk we had a batching ceremony for Yuva chair, Co-chair for all the institutions.
The event is witnessed by the Head of the department cum professors Around 250 students from various departments attended the programm. Ms.R.P.Vijayabharathi proposed the vote of thanks. The Program was arranged by staffs and Students.